Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing

Reach your chosen audience. We employ various techniques, platforms, and methods to create a marketing strategy that is unique to you and your target audience. Grow your business. No matter what industry you are in no matter what size of your business you need a digital marketing strategy that is built to match your goals and the unique selling points of your product or service.


Feeling like you’re lagging behind with your brand’s social presence? Make a strong first impression with the look and feel of your brand. We’ll help you build from the ground up. 

Fueled with a deep understanding of your goals, customers, and competitors, we engineer a digital strategy that sets a roadmap to achieving our missing together in the best way possible.

By brainstorming your company’s values, purpose, and goals we develop a social media strategy that serves to guide your social media platforms to publish content that is in line with your business goals, consistent with your company’s tone of voice, and engaging for your audiences.

Forms. Site messages. Webchat. Use different tools to engage your customers based on whether they’re pre, mid, or post-purchase. Your data stays in one place, so your customers get a fluid experience throughout the customer journey.

Marketing planning strategy


Hand of young businessman pointing at paper with business goals

Not sure what digital direction your company should go in or why your competitors are more successful? We begin each project with an intensively researched, all-encompassing strategy that aims to achieve your goals in a realistic timeframe.

Long before you spend even a penny on advertising or start implementing a campaign you need to identify where your audience is and how you can reach them

Digital strategy is the art of planning what digital resources to use and how to deploy them in order to achieve your business goals. The old saying “failing to plan is planning to fail” is as true in the world of Digital Marketing as it is in all other aspects of life.


Social Media advertising is great for brand awareness. You can get a lot of eyeballs for a reasonable budget. But it’s also a great direct response channel because its audience targeting is unparalleled.

Social Media has a very powerful influence among consumers and needs to be given the attention it deserves when developing your digital marketing strategy. A badly managed social media presence can do more harm than good for your brand so you need to have a clear and consistent strategy for building your social media presence and communicating with your audience.

Our social media specialists will work with you to assess the platforms that you should have a presence on eg. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, TikTok and we will then help you to craft your communication strategy for each platform. Social Media is intended as a means for engaging with your audience to build a community and then a bi-product of that should be sales and conversion, as opposed to the focus being the other way around. We will help you to develop a strategy that meets both objectives and supports your business growth.

Happy woman using social media on a tablet


Digital marketing strategy

Too wrapped up in the hustle and bustle of your business to create winning content? Our wordsmiths can curate and execute a captivating content strategy for your business, no matter what industry you’re in!

Start generating meaningful results from your company’s blog with content that not only ranks but converts. We help you develop context around your brand to inform, educate and excite your audience, and position your brand as a leader in your industry.

Is writing not your strong suit? Or perhaps you’re too busy to be sitting around writing blogs or perfecting social posts. Hiring a team of content marketers can help to boost engagement with your audience, drive organic traffic to the site and give you more time to focus on your business.


Digital Advertising is the revolution of the past 10 years, giving brands the ability to target people with more focus and specificity than ever before. You could track the impact of every cent you spent in terms of the traffic it generated to your website, the content that piqued interest and the conversions that each ad generated. We are now seeing changes to data privacy which will dramatically impact the targeting and reach of existing and future ad campaigns and you need to be proactive in dealing with these changes so that you are ahead of your competitors.

There is a science to effectively managing and optimizing your ad accounts and whether you are spending on social media ads or Google Ads you need to have a clear strategy so that you are spending your money on the best performing audiences and being clever about the keywords you compete for. Our digital ads specialists will work with you to either optimize your existing campaigns or build your ad strategy from scratch to ensure that your ad spend is maximized.


Flat layout of digital advertising brochures and phone with financial diagram


Marketing plan

Promotional emails are a cost-effective way to nurture customers, build loyalty and recapture lost sales.

Email marketing continues to be an essential cog in the digital marketing machine.  It is more than just promoting your brand, it’s about building a relationship with your customers and speaking to them directly.

It allows you to grow your subscriber list and encourage them to take action through relevant and useful content. Want to streamline your sales funnel? You can ensure that leads are captured and nurtured until they are ready to convert with smart automated campaigns. Let Nectar Design prove to you that Email Marketing works!


We offer you the opportunity to tell your business story or message through the medium of video no matter what the style. Our qualified designers will take your brief and deliver a video that can promote your business on a multitude of platforms such as email signatures, digital screens, websites, and youtube and on tv or digital advertising platforms.

Studying with video online lesson at home

Our Works

Our mission is to always add value to our partners by producing work that we are proud of. Have a look at some of our favourite projects across website design and development, e-commerce strategy, branding, digital marketing strategy – campaign planning and implementation, social media, digital advertising and email marketing.